Restraint and Handling, Animal Welfare, Animal Behavier and Training... | Vetshop VN

Restraint and Handling, Animal Welfare, Animal Behavier and Training...

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Restraint and Handling for Vet, Welfare, Behavier and Training

Looking for helpful materials on animal restraint, handling, behavior, and training?

This page provides downloadable resources for veterinary professionals and animal caretakers. Learn safe and effective techniques to ensure the well-being of both animals and veterinary staff.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Restraint Techniques: Discover guidelines for safe and minimal restraint of various animal species during examinations and procedures.
  • Handling Procedures: Learn proper handling methods to minimize stress and anxiety in animals during vet visits.
  • Animal Behavior: Explore resources on understanding animal behavior, recognizing signs of fear or aggression, and creating a positive veterinary experience.
  • Training Tips: Find downloadable resources with helpful training tips to improve communication and cooperation between animals and their caregivers.

Restraint and Handling

  1. Capture and Care (614 pages, 3.6mb)
  2. Livestock Management Manual (212 pages, 5mb)
  3. Low Stress Handling Restraint and Behavior Modification of Dogs & Cats: Techniques for Developing Patients Who Love Their Visits 1st Edition (Author: Sophia Yin, 236 pages, 72mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  4. Livestock Handling and Transport: Principles and Practice (Editor: Temple Grandin, 396 pages) → Buy the book
  5. Restraint and Handling for Veterinary Technicians and Assistants (Authors: Bonnie Ballard, Jody Rockett, 172 pages, 7.5mb)  Buy the book
  6. Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals 3rd Edition (Author: Murray Fowler, 485 pages, 38mb) → Buy the book

The Animal Welfare and Behavier

  1. Animal Welfare and Meat Science (folder, 12mb)
  2. An Image Of Welfare (7 pages, 125mb)
  3. Animal and Human Health and Welfare: A Comparative Philosophical Analysis 1st Edition (Author: Lennart Nordenfelt, 203 pages, 2.4mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  4. Animal Hunting and Feeding (Animal Behavior) (Author: Natalie Goldstein, Part of: Animal Behavior (4 books), 111 pages, 9.7mb) → Buy the book
  5. Animal Communication (Animal Behavior) (Author: Stephen M. Tomecek, 105 pages, 7.4mb) → Buy the book
  6. Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field: An Hypothesis-testing Approach to the Development, Causation, Function, and Evolution of Animal Behavior 1st Edition (Authors: Bonnie J. Ploger, Ken Yasukawa, 493 pages, 23mb) → Buy the book
  7. Animal Breeding, Welfare and Society (Author: Jacky Turner, 337 pages, 2.6mb) → Buy the book
  8. The Sibley Guide to Birds Life And Behavior (Author: David Allen Sibley, 61 pages, 128mb) → Buy the book
  9. Behaviour Problems in Small Animals: Practical Advice for the Veterinary Team (Authors: Jon Bowen, Heath MRCVS, Sarah, 266 pages, 8.37mb) → Buy the book
  10. Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers 2nd Editiona (Author: Bonnie V. Beaver. 319 pages, 13mb) → Buy the book
  11. Feline Behavior Guidelines (American Association of Feline Practitioners, 44 pages, 1.8mb)
  12. Cattle Behaviour and Welfare (Author: Clive Phillips, 274 pages, 4mb) → Buy the book
  13. Checkoff Swine Welfare Assurance Programe (A Program of America’s Pork Producers, 60 pages, 793k)
  14. Confronting Animal Abuse: Law, Criminology, and Human-Animal Relationships (Author: Piers Beirne, 253 pages, 1.4mb) → Buy the book
  15. Observing Animal Behaviour: Design and analysis of quantitative data (Author: Marian Stamp Dawkins, 167 pages, 3.5mb) → Buy the book
  16. Dog Behaviour Evolution, and Cognition (Author: Adam Miklosi, 289 pages, 8.2mb) → Buy the book
  17. Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists (Author: Katherine A. Houpt, 975 pages) → Buy the book
  18. Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Authors & Editors: Daniel S. Mills, Jeremy N. Marchant-Forde, Paul D. McGreevy, 1082 pages, 29.2mb) → Buy the book
  19. Equine Behavior: A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Scientists (Author: Paul McGreevy BVSc PhD, 366 pages, 31mb) → Buy the book
  20. Feline Behavior Second Edition (Author: Bonnie V. Beaver BS DVM MS DACVB, 356 pages, 7.2mb) → Buy the book
  21. Genetics of Aggressive Behaviour in Golden Retriever Dogs (Author: Linda van den Berg, 232 pages, 11.5mb)
  22. Horse Behavior (Noyes Series in Animal Behavior, Ecology, Conservation, and Management) 2nd Edition (Author: George Waring, 457 pages, 4.9mb) → Buy the book
  23. Excel-erated Learning: Explaining in plain English how dogs learn and how best to teach them (Author: Pamela J. Reid, Tascha Parkinson (Illustrator), 181 pages, 6.83mb) → Buy the book
  24. Manual of Parrot Behavior (Author: Andrew Luescher, 310 pages, 4mb) → Buy the book
  25. Practical Wildlife Care (Author: Les Stocker, 364 pages, 7.78mb) → Buy the book
  26. Psychoactive Herbs in Veterinary Behavior Medicine (Author: Stefanie Schwartz, 420 pages, 4.64mb) → Buy the book
  27. Social Behaviour in Farm Animals (Authors: Linda Keeling, Harold Gonyou, 425 pages, 23.1mb) → Buy the book
  28. The Ethology of Domestic Animals An Introductory Text (Authors: P. Jensen, 214 pages, 10.4mb) → Buy the book
  29. The Welfare of Dogs (Authors: Kevin Stafford, Part of: Animal Welfare (18 books), 287 pages, 2.22mb) → Buy the book
  30. The Welfare of Farmed Ratites (Editors: Phil Glatz, Christine Lunam, Irek Malecki275 pages, 4.2mb) → Buy the book
  31. Symposium on Swine - Housing and Well-Being (Richard Reynnells, Ph.D U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Plant and Animal Systems)
  32. The Welfare of Sheep (Author: Cathy Dwyer, 375 pages, 6.3mb) → Buy the book

Training The Animal

  1. Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training (Folder, 11.8mb)
  2. 1000 Best Dog Training Secrets (Authors: Robyn Achy, Bill Gorton, 434 pages, 30.2mb) → Buy the book
  3. ABC Practical Guide to Dog Training: Proven Techniques by a Trainer of Trainers (Author: Steven Appelbaum, 209 pages, 7.7mb) → Buy the book
  4. Adopting a Pet for Dummies (Author: Eve Adamson, 386 pages, 3.5mb) → Buy the book
  5. Canine and Feline Behavior and Training: A Complete Guide to Understanding our Two Best Friends (Veterinary Technology) (Author: Linda P. Case, 353 pages, 5.7mb) → Buy the book
  6. Dog training for dummies (Authors: Jack Volhard, Wendy Volhard, 412 pages, 6.4mb) → Buy the book
  7. The Power of Positive Dog Training (Authors: Pat Miller, Susan Boyce, Tantor Audio, 325 pages, 5.7mb) → Buy the book
  8. Working Sheep Dogs: A Practical Guide to Breeding Training and Handling (Author: Tully Williams, 281 pages, 9mb) → Buy the book
Source: Vetshop VN

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