Veterinary Pharmacology, Diagnostic Imaging & Techniques, Vaccination and Preventive Medicine... | Vetshop VN

Veterinary Pharmacology, Diagnostic Imaging & Techniques, Vaccination and Preventive Medicine...

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Downloadable Veterinary Resources: Pharmacology & Diagnostic Tools

Keywords: Veterinary, pharmacology, drugs, medications, picture diagnosis, radiology, ultrasound, sound diagnosis, stethoscope, veterinary ebooks, downloads, free resources

Veterinary Pharmacology, Picture & Sound Diagnosis

This page offers a comprehensive collection of downloadable resources for veterinary professionals and students. Focus your studies on two key areas:

  • Veterinary Pharmacology: Deepen your understanding of drugs and medications used in animal treatment. Find ebooks, guides, and reference materials on dosage calculations, medication interactions, and safe administration practices for various species.
  • Picture & Sound Diagnosis: Master the art of interpreting diagnostic tools like X-rays, ultrasounds, and stethoscopes. Download ebooks, tutorials, and image galleries to enhance your skills in identifying abnormalities and making accurate diagnoses.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Veterinary ebooks on pharmacology and diagnostic techniques
  • Detailed guides on interpreting X-rays, ultrasounds, and other visual aids
  • Stethoscope tutorials to hone your listening skills for internal sounds
  • Comprehensive resources on veterinary drug classifications, actions, and side effects

Veterinary Pharmacology: This section would focus on medications used in veterinary medicine, including their effects, dosages, and side effects...

  1. Controlled Release Veterinary Drug Delivery: Biological and Pharmaceutical Considerations 1st Edition (Editors: Michael J. Rathbone, R. Gurny, 377 pages, 49.6mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  2. Large Animal Internal Medicine 4th Edition (Editors: Bradford P. Smith DVM, 1.872 pages, 39.6mb) → Buy the book
  3. Psychopharmacology of Animal Behavior Disorders (folder, 26.1mb)
  4. Advances in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-base Disorders, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice (The Clinics: Veterinary Medicine Book 47) (Authors: Helio Autran de Morais, Stephen P. DiBartola, 323 pages, 5.16 mb) → Buy the book
  5. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine 4th Edition (Editors: S. Giguere, J. F. Prescott, J. D. Baggot & 2 more, 647 pages, 61.3 mb) → Buy the book
  6. Aplied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians 5th Edition (Authors: Boyce P. Wanamaker DVM MS, Kathy Massey LVMT, 505 pages, 14.4 mb) → Buy the book
  7. Bristish National Fomulary 61 (Authors: Pharmaceutical Press, 1069 pages, 8.94 mb) → Buy the book
  8. Clinicopathologic Principles for Veterinary Medicine (Editors: Wayne F. Robinson, Clive R. R. Huxtable, 448 pages, 61.7 mb) → Buy the book
  9. Controlled Release Veterinary Drugs (folder)
  10. Ettinger - Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Vol1 (Authors: Stephen J. Ettinger DVM DACVIM, Edward C. Feldman DVM DACVIM, 998 pages, 242 mb) → Buy the book
  11. Ettinger - Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Vol2 (Authors: Stephen J. Ettinger DVM DACVIM, Edward C. Feldman DVM DACVIM, 1167 pages, 303 mb) → Buy the book
  12. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice (Fluid Therapy In Small Animal Practice) 4th Edition (Authors: Stephen P. DiBartola DVM DACVIM, 749 pages, 28.1 mb) → Buy the book
  13. Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians (Veterinary Technology) 2nd Edition (Authors: Janet Amundson Romich, 737 pages, 41.9 mb) → Buy the book
  14. Handbook of Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine 1st Edition (Authors: Peter Cockcroft, Mark Holmes, 226 pages, 1.61 mb) → Buy the book
  15. Introduction to Veterinary and Comparative Forensic Medicine (Authors: John E. Cooper, Margaret E. Cooper, 442 pages, 9.1 mb) → Buy the book
  16. Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine - Science and Tradition (Authors: Susan G. Wynn, Steve Marsden, 749 pages, 22.3mb) → Buy the book
  17. Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions (ISSN) 15th Edition (Editor: Jeffrey K. Aronson, 3689 pages, 44.5mb) → Buy the book
  18. Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner (Made Easy) 1st Edition (Author: Bernard Feldman, 75 pages, 5.64mb) → Buy the book
  19. Quick Reference to Veterinary Medicine Subsequent Edition (Editor: William R. Fenner, 756 pages, 59.6mb) → Buy the book
  20. Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Author: Dawn Merton Boothe DVM MS PhD DACVIM DACVCP, *.epub, 35.1mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  21. Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology 2nd Edition (Editors: Jill E. Maddison BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc MRCVS & 2 more, 595 pages, 13.1mb) → Buy the book
  22. The Pharmacokinetics of Equine Medications (115 pages, 2.47mb)
  23. The Physiological Basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology 1st Edition (Editor: J. Desmond Baggot, 298 pages, 1.26mb) → Buy the book
  24. The Veterinary Formulary (Editor: Yolande Bishop, 587 pages, 21mb) → Buy the book
  25. Veterinary Drugs and Growth-Promoting Agent Analyses (Veterinary Sciences and Medicine Series) 1st Edition (Authors: A. Garrido Frenich, P. Plaza-bolanos & 2 more, 158 pages, 8.07mb) → Buy the book
  26. Veterinary Herbal Medicine (Authors: Susan G. Wynn DVM, Barbara Fougere BVSc BVM, 695 pages, 21.2 mb) → Buy the book
  27. Veterinary Pharmacovigilance:  Adverse Reactions to Veterinary Medicinal Products (Author: Kevin Woodward, 779 pages, 6.1mb) → Buy the book
  28. Veterinary Psychopharmacology 1st Edition (Authors: Sharon L. Crowell-Davis, Thomas F. Murray, 278 pages, 3.3mb) → Buy the book
  29. Xie's Chinese Veterinary Herbology 1st Edition (Editors: Huisheng Xie, Vanessa Preast, 634 pages, 28.7mb) → Buy the book

Vaccination and Preventive Medicine: This section would cover vaccines for various diseases, parasite control methods, and other preventative healthcare measures for animals...

  1. Animal Vaccination (296 pages, 1.8mb) 
  2. Avian Immunology (Editors: Bernd Kaspers, Karel A. Schat, 496 pages, 5.7mb) → Buy the book
  3. Canine Vaccine Guidelines (42 pages, 1.1mb)
  4. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease (Editor: Charles Janeway, 910 pages, 21.2mb) → Buy the book
  5. Statistics in Clinical Vaccine Trials (Editor: Jozef Nauta, 165 pages, 1.3b) → Buy the book
  6. Vaccination Guidelines of Dogs and Cats (Editors: M.J. Day, M.C. Horzinek, R.D. Schultz, 34 pages, 653Kb)
  7. Vaccine Adjuvants and Delivery Systems (Editor: Manmohan Singh, 470 pages, 3.1mb) → Buy the book
  8. Veterinary Immunology (Editor: Ian R Tizard BVMS PhD DSc (H) ACVM (H), 465 pages, 113.1mb) → Buy the book
  9. Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics (ISSN Book 41) 1st Edition (Editors: W. Jean Dodds, Ronald D. Schultz, 875 pages, 43.2mb)  Buy the book

Diagnostic Imaging and Techniques: This section would cover diagnostic tools like X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests, and stethoscopes to aid in veterinary diagnosis...

  1. Canine Hearth Sounds (*.rar, 46.3mb)
  2. Tilley's Rapid Interpretation of Heart & Lung Sounds (folder, 61.3mb)
  3. Veterinary Radiology (folder, 58mb)
  4. Abdominal Radiology for the Small Animal Practitioner (Book+CD) (Made Easy Series) 1st Edition (Authors: Judith Hudson, William Brawner, Merrilee Holland & 1 more, 161 pages, 1.83mb) → Buy the book
  5. Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat (Authors: Arlene Coulson, Noreen Lewis, *.djvu, 15.3mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  6. Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography 1st Edition (Editors: Dominique Penninck, Marc-Andre d'Anjou, 508 pages, 502mb) → Buy the book
  7. Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy (Authors: Berthold Block, 209 pages, 79.2mb) → Buy the book
  8. Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat 5th Edition (Authors: J. Kevin Kealy MVB MVM MRCVS DVR, Hester McAllister MVB MRCVS DVR, John P. Graham MVB MSc DVR MRCVS DACVR, 589 pages, 267mb) → Buy the book
  9. Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat 3th Edition (Authors: J. Kevin Kealy MVB MVM MRCVS DVR, Hester McAllister MVB MRCVS DVR, 441 pages, 47.6mb) → Buy the book
  10. Diagnostic Ultrasound in Small Animal Practice (Authors: Paddy Mannion, 346 pages, 10.4mb) → Buy the book
  11. Equine Diagnostic Ultrasound (Authors: Virginia B. Reef DVM, 556 pages, 96.2mb) → Buy the book
  12. Evaluating Radiographs for Equine Foot Management (Author: Pete Healey APFI, 170 pages, 13.7mb) → Buy the book
  13. What's That?: A Beginner's Guide to Veterinary Abdominal Ultrasound Spiral-bound – May 1, 2009 (Author: Tom Baker, 108 pages, 15.8mb) → Buy the book
  14. Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy (Author: Safia Barakzai BVSc MSc DESTS Dipl ECVS MRCVS, 127 pages, 13.5mb) → Buy the book
  15. Handbook of Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasound: Techniques and Differential Diagnoses 2nd Edition (Authors: Ruth Dennis MA VctMB DVR DipECVDI MRCVS & 3 more, 370 pages, 14.2mb) → Buy the book
  16. Practical Atlas of Ruminant and Camelid Reproductive Ultrasonography (Editors: Luc DesCôteaux, Jill Colloton, Giovanni Gnemmi, 246 pages, 25.6mb) → Buy the book
  17. Practical Small Animal MRI (Editors: Patrick R. Gavin, Rodney S. Bagley372 pages, 25.2mb) → Buy the book
  18. Radiography in Veterinary Technology (Editor: Lisa M. Lavin CVT BA MBA, 336 pages, 115mb) → Buy the book
  19. Radiology of Rodents, Rabbits and Ferrets: An Atlas of Normal Anatomy and Positioning 1st Edition (Authors: Sam Silverman, Lisa Tell, 298 pages, 26.2mb) → Buy the book
  20. Small Animal ECGs: An Introductory (Author: Mike Martin, 138 pages, 9.29mb) → Buy the book
  21. Small Animal Imaging: Basics and Practical Guide (Editors: Fabian Kiessling, Bernd J. Pichler, Peter Hauff, 616 pages, 31.1mb)  Buy the book
  22. Thoracic Radiology for the Small Animal Practitioner (Made Easy Series) 1st Edition (Author: Robert O'Brien, 149 pages, 1.42mb) → Buy the book
  23. Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Color-Doppler Ultrasonography (Author: O. J Ginther, 220 pages, 85.8mb) → Buy the book
  24. Ultrasonography and reproduction in swine: Principles and practical applications (Authors: Françoise Martinat-Botté, Guy Renaud & 3 more, 108 pages, 5.11 mb) → Buy the book
  25. Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging - The Dog and Cat 1nd Edition(Author: Charles S. Farrow DVM787 pages, 45.4mb) → Buy the book
  26. Veterinary Echocardiography (Author: June A. Boon, *.epub, 75.3mb) → Buy the book
  27. Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography 1st Edition (Authors: Wolfgang Kähn, Robert Kenney, 267 pages, 9.36mb) → Buy the book
Source: Vetshop VN

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