Veterinary Software Solutions, Educational Media (media file, ISO file, lectures...) | Vetshop VN

Veterinary Software Solutions, Educational Media (media file, ISO file, lectures...)

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Veterinary Sofwares, Media File, Audio File, ISO File, Lectures (ppt)

Downloadable Veterinary Resources: Software, Media, Lectures & More!

Looking for essential veterinary resources to enhance your practice? Look no further! Here, you can download a variety of free veterinary software, media files (including audio and video), ISO files, and lecture presentations (*.pptx, *.docx...) on a wide range of veterinary topics.

Whether you're a seasoned veterinarian, a veterinary technician new to the field, or a student in veterinary school, this comprehensive resource library has something for everyone.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Veterinary and Livestock Software Downloads: Explore and download free veterinary practice management software, anesthesia monitoring software, and other helpful programs to streamline your workflow and improve patient care.
  • Media Files: Gain access to a rich collection of veterinary-related media files, including informative video tutorials, educational documentaries, and captivating client education videos.
  • Audio Files: Listen to insightful podcasts featuring veterinary experts discussing various topics, or tune in to educational audiobooks for hands-free learning while you're on the go.
  • ISO Files: Find and download free ISO files containing valuable veterinary software or large datasets for research purposes.
  • Lecture Presentations (*.pptx, *.docx...): Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in veterinary medicine by downloading presentations on a multitude of veterinary topics, all conveniently formatted in *.pptx, *.docx (Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft word) for easy access and reference.

Veterinary and Livestock Sofwares

  1. Ageing Horses (7.24mb)
  2. Anatomy – Radiology (210mb)
  3. Atlas of Cardiac Radiolgy (95mb)
  4. CD Lameness Ross & Dyson (628mb)
  5. CD Poultry Diseases (415mb)
  6. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for the Veterinary Technician, (11.8mb)
  7. Development & Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms 1998 (4.62mb)
  8. EndNote.X5 Full version (71.3mb)
  9. Eurell Histology Atlas (136mb)
  10. FeedSoft Professional v3.19-SND (9.4mb)
  11. Janeway - Immunobiology (2001) (6.2mb)
  12. Meck Veterinary Manual 8th Merial (429mb)
  13. My Holstein ID (96.8mb)
  14. Novartis Orthopedic (331mb)
  15. Patient Medical Record and History Software (10mb)
  16. Proceedings ACVIM (513mb)
  17. The Physiological Origins of Heart Sounds and Murmurs (190mb)
  18. Veterinary Drug Handbook (36.1mb)
  19. Veterinary Ultrasonography (16mb)
  20. 5 Minutes Veterinary Consult - Canine And Feline (25.2mb)
  21. QVET Software (51mb)
  22. Veterinary Pharmacy Reference Software (88.2mb)

Media File, *.DAT, *.ISO File...

  1. 4ACT – Veterinary Assistant & Technician Training (folder, 18.8G)
  2. Veterinary Emergency - 02 Nasal Oxygen (119mb)
  3. Veterinary Emergency - 03 Nasogastric Feeding Tube (82mb)
  4. Veterinary Emergency - 05 Jugular Catheter Placement (113mb)
  5. Veterinary Emergency - 06 Central Venous Pressure Monitoring (54mb)
  6. Veterinary Emergency - 07 Blood Pressure Monitoring (153mb)
  7. Veterinary Emergency - 09 Esophagostomy Tube Placement (71mb)
  8. Veterinary Emergency - 10 Double Lumen Catheter Placement (165mb)
  9. Veterinary Emergency - 13 Radiographic Positioning (97mb)
  10. Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation for Rabbits (213mb)
  11. Veterinary Seminars in Spay, Neuter Surgery – Pediatrics (187mb)
  12. Artificial Insemination in Swine (729mb)
  13. Parasitology (315mb)
  14. Handbook of Veterinary Parasitology Domestic Animals of North America
  15. Cesar Millan - People Training For Dogs (348mb)
  16. Don Sullivan's - Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog (Disc 1, Skycowboypaul, 1.8G)
  17. Don Sullivan's - Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog (Disc 2, Skycowboypaul, 1.7G)
  18. The Perfect Dog - Dog Father (1.8G)
  19. Glasshorse Distallimb (557mb)
  20. 3M Littmann - Introduction to heart sounds (60mb)
  21. Eurell Histology (software, 144mb)
  22. Haskell (46.4mb)
  23. Jaypee (45mb)
  24. Veterinary Pharmacy Sofware (165mb)
  25. SEDATION Veterinary (72mb)
  26. The Physiological Origins of Heart Sounds and Murmurs (196mb)
  27. Veterinary Drug Handbook – Plumb (26.7mb)
  28. Veterinary Instrumentation (345mb)

Lectures (*.pptx, *.docx...)


  1. Artificial Insemination
  2. Allergy (45mb)
  3. Animal Aging (14mb)
  4. Ascarids of Dogs and Cats Presentation (5mb)
  5. Avian Orthopedic Surgery 2004 (5mb)
  6. Avian Soft Tissue Surgery
  7. Bird Industry Identifcation Working Group (10mb)
  8. Bone Marrow Biopsy Techniques (6mb)
  9. Brachycephalic Complex (7mb)
  10. Cardiovasc Pathology 1 (9mb)
  11. Cardiovasc Pathology 2 (7mb)
  12. Clinical Examination of the Individual animal (4mb)
  13. Clinical Tracheal Collapse 2 (8mb)
  14. Common Endoparasites of Dog (6mb)     
  15. Critical Care Procedures (23mb)
  16. Dermatophytosis  lecture (25mb)
  17. Emerging Poultry Diseases New (11mb)
  18. Feline & Equine Ophthalmology (7mb)
  19. Ferret (5mb)
  20. Fleas (13mb)
  21. Guinea Pig (13mb)
  22. Heart Failure (3mb)
  23. Hereditary Deafness in Dogs and Cats (7mb)
  24. Infectious Diseases Exotic Hoofstock (5mb)          
  25. Introduction to Animal Breeding Concept 2010 (109mb)
  26. Laboratory of Swine Diseases (86mb)
  27. Larynegeal Paralysis (17mb)
  28. Lecture ECGS (8mb)
  29. Management of Pig Health (8mb)
  30. Mites (26mb)
  31. Nodular Skin dis 1 (8mb)
  32. Nodular Skin dis 2 (14.2mb)
  33. Physical Exam (12mb)
  34. Physical Methods of Clinical Examination (Percussion, 13mb)
  35. Principle of Animal Breeding and Genetics (8mb)
  36. Rabbit (46mb)
  37. Radiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract (15mb)
  38. Review Diseases Swine (90mb)
  39. Shock (5mb)
  40. Surgical Techniques (2mb)
  41. The Eukaryotes Fungi - Algae - Protozoa and Helminths (9mb)
  42. Thoracic Radiology of the Dog (17mb)
  43. Tracheostomy (17mb)
  44. Ultrasonography (2mb)
  45. Urogenit rad-1 (15mb)
  46. Urogenit rad-2 (13mb)
  47. Veterinary Radiology (13mb)
  48. Veterinary Transfusion Medicine (7mb)
  49. Viral Diseases of Cattle (18mb)
Source: Vetshop VN

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