Food Safety & Zoonotic Diseases: meat inspection, food proccessing, zoonosis and public health... | Vetshop VN

Food Safety & Zoonotic Diseases: meat inspection, food proccessing, zoonosis and public health...

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Safeguarding Our Food Chain: Veterinary Resources


This page provides downloadable resources for veterinary professionals and students interested in safeguarding the food chain. Here, you'll find essential documents and veterinary textbooks on the following topics:

  • Veterinary Meat Inspection: Explore best practices for ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of animals for human consumption, ensuring meat safety and quality.
  • Food Processing: Gain insights into hygienic practices and regulations for processing various food products of animal origin.
  • Zoonosis: Delve into the science of zoonotic diseases, those transmissible between animals and humans, with a focus on preventing their spread through food.
  • Public Health: Understand the role of veterinarians in protecting public health from foodborne illness outbreaks linked to animal products.

Downloadable Resources:

  • Access essential guidelines and manuals on veterinary meat inspection procedures.
  • Find textbooks on food processing hygiene and sanitation protocols.
  • Explore resources on zoonosis control and surveillance in the food chain.
  • Download publications on the role of veterinarians in public health and food safety.

By utilizing these resources, veterinary professionals can stay up-to-date on the latest practices in ensuring a safe and healthy food supply for all.

Meat Inspection

  1. Cattle meat inspection chapter 1 (By DR. khaled Fujirah, 45 pages, 5mb)
  2. Cattle meat inspection chapter 2
  3. FAO - Manual o Meat Inspectionfor Developing Countries (388 pages, 17.6mb)
  4. FAO Good Practices for The Meat Industry (312 pages, 3.6mb)
  5. Guideline Slaughtering Meat (148 pages, 3.3mb)
  6. Meat Colors (4 pages, 2mb)
  7. Meat Hygiene - 10th Edition (Author: Gracer Joseph, 771 pages, 67mb) →  Buy the book
  8. Meat Inspectors Manual Abattoir Hygiene - 2007 (101 pages, 1.3mb)
  9. Ovine Meat Inspection 2nd Edition: Anatomy, Physiology and Disease Conditions (Author: A. Grist, 337 pages, 15mb) →  Buy the book
  10. Practical food microbiology: Methods for the examination of food for micro-organisms of public health significance (Author: Diane Roberts, 296 pages, 2.5mb)   Buy the book
  11. Sheep meat inspection chapter 1 (24 pages, 3.7mb)
  12. Sheep meat inspection chapter 2 (22 pages, 2.2mb)
  13. USDA - Meat in inspections poultry (512 pages, 20.6mb)
  14. Wilson's Practical Meat Inspection (Author: William Wilson, 322 pages, 5mb)   Buy the book

Zoonotic Diseases

  1. Anthrax in Humans and Animals - 4th (Author: World Health Organization, 218 pages, 2mb)   Buy the book
  2. Wild Birds And Avian Influenza (Author: Food and Agriculture Organization, 123 pages, 3.4mb)
  3. Companion Animal Zoonoses (Editor: J. Scott Weese, Martha Fulford, 327 pages, 17.2mb)   Buy the book
  4. Control Comunicable Disease in Man (Author: World Health Organization, 715 pages, 5mb)
  5. Dictionary of Invetebrate Zoology (Author: Maggenti Mary Ann, Maggenti Armand, Gardner Scott, 970 pages, 7mb)   Buy the book
  6. Integrated Principles of Zoology (Author: Cleveland Hickman Jr, 936 pages, 83.6mb)   Buy the book
  7. Mycobacterium Bovis Infection in Animals and Humans (Editor: Charles O. Thoen, James H. Steele, Michael J. Gilsdorf, 346 pages, 4mb)   Buy the book
  8. Pig Zoonoses (18 pages, 1.4mb)
  9. Swine Flu - What Parents Need to Know : UK Edition (Author: Terence Stephenson, 162 pages, 513k)   Buy the book
  10. Toxaemias of Pregnanc, Human and Veterinary (Author: John Hammond and F. J. Browne, 306 pages, 11.7mb)
  11. Miller, Zoology, 2016, 10e (Reinforced Binding) Student Edition (A/PZOOLOGY) 10th Edition (Author: Stephen A. Miller, John P. Harley, 538 pages, 100.5mb)   Buy the book
  12. Zoonoses: Recognition, Control and Prevention (Author: WILLIAM T MARTIN E. HUGH-JONES, 375 pages, 20.5mb)   Buy the book
  13. Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals Vol.1 (Author: Boris Szyfres, Pedro N. Acha, 1225 pages, 25.5mb)   Buy the book
  14. Zoonoses (Author: Randi Hunewill, 321 pages, 3.5mb)
  15. Zoonotic Diseases  a Guide to Establishing Collaboration Between Animal and Human Health Sectors at the Country Level (Author: World Health Organization)

Veterinary Public Health

  1. A Bookshelf on Veterinary Public Health (21 pages, 5mb)
  2. Communicable Disease Control in Emergencies A Field Manual (FAO, Edited by M.A. Connolly, 301 pages, 1.5mb)
  3. Control Comunicable Disease in Man (715 pages, 5mb)
  4. Drug Residues in Foods: Pharmacology: Food Safety, and Analysis (Food Science and Technology Book 102) 1st Edition (Editor: Dimitrios J. Fletouris, 1171 pages, 4.5mb)   Buy the book
  5. Fungal Diseases: An Emerging Threat to Human, Animal, and Plant Health: Workshop Summary (Author: LeighAnne Olsen, Eileen R. Choffnes, David A. Relman & 4 more, 489 pages, 11mb)   Buy the book
  6. Future Trends in Veterinary Public Health (96 pages, 762k)
  7. HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan Index (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 630 pages, 9.3mb)
  8. Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health (Author: S. Buncic, 398 pages, 1.6mb)   Buy the book
  9. OIE - Biological Disasters of Animal Origin (460 pages, 2.2mb)
  10. OIE - Prevention and Control of Animal Diseases Worldwide (575 pages, 3.3mb)           
  11. OIE Slaughter for Human Consumption (24 pages, 415k)
  12. OIE Veterinary Education for Global Animal and Public Health OIE Scientific and Technical (413 pages, 3.2mb)
  13. Public Health Training for Veterinarians JVME Vol.35  N.2 2008, (130 pages, 3mb)
  14. Veterinary Public Health at a Glance (Author: S. Nandi, Ujjwal K. De. 169 pages, 5.5mb)   Buy the book
Một góc phòng thí nghiệm.

Food Safety and Processing       

  1. Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing (Editor: Fidel Toldrá, Leo M. L. Nollet, 502 pages, 7.5mb)   Buy the book
  2. Chapter 6 - Canning of Meat and Poultry Products (45 pages, 43.2mb)
  3. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Editor: Carrick Devine, M. Dikeman, 1553 pages, 25mb)   Buy the book
  4. Epidemiologic Principles and Food Safety (Author: Tamar Lasky 273 pages, 1.5mb)   Buy the book
  5. FAO Good Practices for The Meat Industry (312 pages, 3.5mb)
  6. Safety of Meat and Processed Meat (Author, Editor: Fidel Toldrá, 695 pages, 9.3mb)   Buy the book
  7. Food-Borne Parasitic Zoonoses: Fish and Plant-Borne Parasites (World Class Parasites Book 11) 2007th Edition (Editor: K. Darwin Murrell, Bernard Fried, 434 pages, 21.1mb)   Buy the book
  8. HACCP and ISO 22000 - Application to Foods of Animal Origin, (561 pages, 3.7mb)
  9. HACCP in the Meat Industry (338 pages, 1.7mb)
  10. Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry (Author, Editor: Fidel Toldrá, 545 pages, 5.3mb)   Buy the book
  11. Handbook of Meat Processing (Editor: Fidel Toldrá, 584 pages, 6.7mb)   Buy the book
  12. Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology - Vol 1 (Editor: Isabel Guerrero-Legarreta, Alma Delia Alarcón-Rojo & 13 more, 806 pages, 3.7mb)   Buy the book
  13. Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology - Vol 2 (632 pages, 2.7mb)
  14. Improving the Safety of Fresh Meat (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition) (Editor: J Sofos, 809 pages, 7.5mb)   Buy the book
  15. Lawries Meat Science - Seventh Edition (Author; TOLDRA, 461 pages, 5mb)   Buy the book
  16. Meat Processing Improving Quality (Editor: Joseph P. Kerry, John F. Kerry, David Ledward, 475 pages, 3.5mb)   Buy the book
  17. Meat Science an Introductory (Author: P. D. Warriss, 321 pages, 3.2mb)   Buy the book
  18. Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture (Author: Mary E. Torrence, Richard E. Isaacson, 414 pages, 5mb)   Buy the book
  19. Microbiology of Meat and Poultry (Author: R.J. Board, A.R. Davies, 332 pages, 16.7mb)   Buy the book
  20. Modern Food Microbiology 6th ed - James M. Jay (Author: James M. Jay, Martin J. Loessner, David A. Golden, 625 pages, 12mb)   Buy the book
  21. Molecular Detection of Foodborne Pathogens (Editor: Dongyou Liu, 908 pages, 12.3mb)   Buy the book
  22. Poultry Meat Processing (Editor: Casey M. Owens, Christine Alvarado, Alan R. Sams, 345 pages, 5.4mb)   Buy the book
  23. Poultry Products Processing: An Industry Guide (Author: Shai Barbut, 540 pages, 17.6mb)   Buy the book
  24. Meat-Eating and Human Evolution (Human Evolution Series) 1st Edition (Editor: Craig B. Stanford, Henry T. Bunn, 383tr, 24mb)   Buy the book
  25. The Meat Buyers Guide  Meat, Lamb, Veal, Pork and Poultry (Author: NAMP North American Meat Processors Association, 339 pages, 27.2mb)   Buy the book
  26. USDA Farm - Pork Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the Farm (104 pages, 10.3mb)
Source: Vetshop VN

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