Large Animal Medicine: veterinary catle, equine, sheeps, goats and animal science... | Vetshop VN

Large Animal Medicine: veterinary catle, equine, sheeps, goats and animal science...

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Veterinary Catle, Equine, Sheeps, Goats and Animal Science

Download Veterinary Resources: Cattle, Equine, Sheep, Goat & Animal Science

Looking for comprehensive veterinary resources to care for your large animals?

This page offers a downloadable library of veterinary documents and textbooks on a variety of topics related to:

  • Cattle Health (Beef & Dairy): Diagnose and treat common cattle diseases, learn about proper nutrition and breeding practices.
  • Equine Health (Horses): Find resources on equine medicine, surgery, dentistry, and lameness for both performance and pleasure horses.
  • Sheep & Goat Care: Gain knowledge on flock management, disease prevention, and birthing in sheep and goats.
  • General Animal Science: Explore the science behind animal health, production, and welfare.

This resource is perfect for:

  • Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
  • Farmers, ranchers, and livestock producers
  • Animal science students and researchers
  • Anyone interested in large animal health and care

Large Animal Medicine

  1. Alternative Health Practices for Livestock (folder, 17.7mb)
  2. Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals (folder, 4.27mb)
  3. Alternative Health Practices for Livestock (Author: Thomas Morris, Michael Keilty) → Buy the book
  4. Antibiotic Use in U.S. Livestock Production (13 pages, 46k)
  5. Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products (Author: Young W. Park, 439 pages, 2.7mb) → Buy the book
  6. Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant 2nd Edition (Author: Christopher Chase, Kaitlyn Lutz, Erica McKenzie & 1 more, 418 pages, 33.4mb) → Buy the book
  7. Bovine Medicine Diseases and Husbandry of Cattle (Editor: Anthony H. Andrews, 1233 pages, 10.2mb) → Buy the book
  8. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Bse, or Mad Cow Disease): Current and Proposed Safeguards (Author: Sarah A Lister, Geoffrey S Becker Ed.92 pages, 1.2mb) → Buy the book
  9. Cattle Lameness: Identification, Prevention and Control of Claw Lesions (Author: Dr. Mark Branine, Dr. Dörte Döpfer, Dr. Tom Edwards, 319 pages, 319mb) → Buy the book
  10. Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle - Elsevieron VitalSource (Author: Roger Blowey, A. David Weaver, 299 pages, 69.8) → Buy the book
  11. Cow Signals: A Practical Guide for Dairy Farm Management (Author: J. Hulsen, 97 pages, 30.5mb)  Buy the book
  12. Dairy Processing & Quality Assurance (Author: Ramesh C. Chandan, Arun Kilara, Nagendra P. Shah589 pages, 7.5mb) → Buy the book
  13. Dairy Science and Technology (Author: P. Walstra, Pieter Walstra, Jan T. M. Wouters, & 1 more, 754 pages, 10mb) → Buy the book
  14. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences - 2 Edition (Author: John W. Fuquay, Paul L.H. McSweeney, Patrick F. Fox, 1009 pages, 18.4mb) → Buy the book
  15. Housing Design for Catle (Author: Danish, 123 pages, 1.1mb)
  16. Manual for Treatment and Control of Lameness in Cattle (Author: Sarel van Amstel, Jan Shearer, 216 pages, 4.1mb) → Buy the book
  17. Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds (Author: Roger Blowey, Peter Edmondson, 272 pages, 11.7mb) → Buy the book
  18. Rearing Young Ruminants on Milk Replacers and Starter Feeds (Author: K. Uppoor, John Moran, 95 pages, 838kb)
  19. Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle  (Second Edition) (Author: Simon F. Peek BVSc MRCVS PhD DACVIM, Thomas J. Divers DVM DACVIM DACVECC, 687 pages, 86mb)  Buy the book
  20. Small Ruminant Clinical Diagnosis And Therapy (Author: SCOTT R.R. HASKELL, DVM, MPVM THERESA A. ANTTILA, BVsc, 296 pages, 662k)
  21. Supplementary Feeding of Sheep and Beef Cattle (Author: David G Hinton, 102 pages, 2.9mb) → Buy the book

Veterinary Equine

  1. Pain in Horses Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Implications (folder, 6.45mb)
  2. AAEVTs Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians (Author: Reeder, 431 pages, 15.7mb)  Buy the book
  3. Adams and Stashaks Lameness in Horses (Editor: Gary M. Baxter, *.epub, 176mb) → Buy the book
  4. Blackwells Five - Minute Veterinary Consult – Equine (Author: Jean-Pierre Lavoie, *.epub, 2.66mb) → Buy the book
  5. Business Management for the Equine Industry (Author: Sharon Eastwood, Anne-Lise Riis Jensen & 1 more, 159 pages, 1.79mb)  Buy the book
  6. Cardiology of the Horse 2nd 2011 (Author: Celia Marr, Mark Bowen, 288 pages, 12.4mb) → Buy the book
  7. Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse 1st Edition (Author: David Wilson, 1662 pages, 28.5mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  8. Color Atlas of the Horses Foot complete (Author: Christopher C. Pollitt, 210 pages, 28.6mb) → Buy the book
  9. Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse 1nd (Author: Michael W. Ross DVM DACVS, Sue J. Dyson MA VetMB PhD DEO FRCVS, 1206 pages, 123mb) → Buy the book
  10. Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse 2nd (Author: Michael W. Ross DVM DACVS, Sue J. Dyson MA VetMB PhD DEO FRCVS, 1504 pages, 128mb) → Buy the book
  11. Encyclopedia Of The Horse (Author: General Editor (Foreword by David Broome) Peplow, Elizabeth, 188 pages, 38.9mb) → Buy the book
  12. Equine Back Pathology Diagnosis and Treatment (Editor: Frances M. D. Henson, 299 pages, 12.1mb) → Buy the book
  13. The Glass Horse Equine Colic - 3D Program (62 pages, 19.6mb)
  14. Equine Husbandry & Equestrian Sports (Author: Maj. General Yadav K.N. Col. Parmar B.S.647 pages, 18mb) → Buy the book 
  15. Equine Infectious Diseases (Editor: Debra C. Sellon, Maureen T. Long, 700 pages, 71.3mb) → Buy the book 
  16. Equine Injury, Therapy and Rehabilitation 3rd Edition (Author: Mary Bromiley, 234 pages, 4.3mb) → Buy the book 
  17. Equine Internal Medicine - 3rd Edition (Author: Stephen M. Reed DVM DACVIM & 2 more, *.epub, 60mb) → Buy the book 
  18. Equine Massage: A Practical Guide (Howell Equestrian Library) (Author: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, 354 pages, 5.5mb) → Buy the book 
  19. Horse Owners Veterinary Handbook (Author: Thomas Gore DVM, Paula Gore MT ASCP BB & 1 more, 744 pages, 9.33mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  20. Horses and Other Animals in Motion: 45 Classic Photographic Sequences (Dover Anatomy for Artists) (Author: Eadweard Muybridge, 52 pages, 17mb) → Buy the book
  21. Howell Equine Handbook of Tendon & Ligament Injuries (Author: Linda B. Schultz DVM Ph.D., 130 pages, 1.8mb) → Buy the book
  22. Saunder’s Equine Formulary - 2rd Edition (Author: Derek C. Knottenbelt OBE BVM&S DVM&S Dip ECEIM MRCVS, Fernando Malalana DVM GPCert(EqP) DipECEIM MRCVS, 434 pages, 32mb) → Buy the book
  23. The Cattle Health Handbook (Author: Heather Smith Thomas, *.epub, 11.7mb) → Buy the book
  24. The Equine Distal Limb: An Atlas of Clinical Anatomy and Comparative Imaging 1st Edition (Author: Jean-Marie Denoix, 401 pages, 92.5mb) → Buy the book
  25. The Horse in Motion - The Anatomy and Physiology of Equine Locomotion (Author: Sarah Pilliner, Samantha Elmhurst, Zoe Davies, 207 pages, 4mb) → Buy the book
  26. Understanding the Foal (Understanding Horse Care) (Author: Christina S. Cable, A.C. Asbury, 129 pages, 3.5mb) → Buy the book
  27. Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice 2008 (Author: Antonio M. Cruz, DVM, MVM, MSc, DrMedVet, 418 pages, 18mb) → Buy the book

Veterinary Sheeps and Goats

  1. Cattle and Sheep Medicine: Self-Assessment Color Review (Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Review Series) (Author: Philip R. Scott, 241 pages, 15.5mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  2. A Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Sheep and Goats (Author: K. A. Linklater, K. W. Angus, 246 pages, 52mb) → Buy the book
  3. Diseases of Sheep, 4th Edition (Editor: Ian Aitken, 641 pages, 7.5mb) → Buy the book
  4. Goat Medicine 1994 (Editor: Mary C. Smith, David M. Sherman, 506 pages, 140mb) → Buy the book
  5. Practical Lambing and Lamb Care: A Veterinary Guide, 3rd Edition (Author: Andrew Eales, 263 pages, 15.4mb) → Buy the book
  6. Sheep and Goat Medicine - 2nd (Author: Pugh, 633 pages, 16.7mb) → Buy the book
  7. Sheep and Goat Practice 2 (Author: Margaret Melling, 223 pages, 40.5mb) → Buy the book

Animal Sciences

  1. Primate Audition Ethology and Neurobiology (folder, 6mb)
  2. Encyclopedia of Animals for Young Readers: for Young Readers (Encyclopedias for Young Readers) (157 pages, 36.5mb) → Buy the book
  3. Animal Science and Issues (Animal Science, Issues and Professions) UK ed. Edition (Editor: Jacob M. Jaworski, 519 pages, 5.9mb)  Buy the book
  4. Aquaculture Marketing Handbook (Author: Carole R. Engle, 269 pages, 4.4mb) → Buy the book
  5. Atlas of Comparative Sectional Anatomy of 6 Invertebrates and 5 Vertebrates (Author: Géza Zboray, Zsolt Kovács, György Kriska & 2 more296 pages, 36.9mb) → Buy the book
  6. Australian Mammals - Biology and Captive Management (Author: Stephen Jackson, 547 pages, 5.9mb) → Buy the book
  7. Avian Medicine Second Edition (Author: Tully Jr. BS DVM MS Diplomate ABVP(Avian) ECAMS, 434 pages, 9.2mb) → Buy the book
  8. Bird of Prey: Health and Disease (Editor: John E. Cooper, 365 pages, 3mb) → Buy the book
  9. Colour Manual Disease of Birds (by Japan International Agricultural Council, 214 pages, 10.8mb)
  10. Encyclopedia of Animals Science (Editor: Wilson G. Pond, 965 pages, 74.6mb) → Buy the book
  11. Encyclopedia of Entomology - 2nd Edition (Editor: John L. Capinera, 4411 pages, 133mb) → Buy the book
  12. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals (Editor: Robert J. Young, 243 pages, 4.4mb) → Buy the book
  13. Exploring Animal Science (Editor: Frank Flanders, 929 pages, 67mb) → Buy the book
  14. Fundamentals of Ecological Modelling - 3 Edition: Applications in Environmental Management and Research (Editor: S. E. Jorgensen, 543 pages, 22.4mb) → Buy the book
  15. Fundametals of Animal Science (Author: Colin Scanes, 514 pages, 32.5mb) → Buy the book
  16. Grzimeks Student Animal Life Resource – Mammals (Author: Melissa C. McDade, Bernhard Grzimek, 1318 pages, 78.8mb) → Buy the book
  17. Handbook Of Bird Biology (Author: Irby J. Lovette, John W. Fitzpatrick, 659 pages, 850mb) → Buy the book
  18. Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals: A Visual Who's Who of Prehistoric Life (Author: Dougal Dixon, Barry Cox, R.J.G. Savage & 1 more, 313 pages, 40mb) → Buy the book
  19. Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles (Author: Elliott R. Jacobson and Michael M. Garner, 731 pages, 106mb) → Buy the book
  20. Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds (Author: Nancy J. Thomas, D. Bruce Hunter, Carter T. Atkinson496 pages, 8.4mb) → Buy the book
  21. Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals (Author: Elizabeth S. Williams, Ian K. Barker, 572 pages, 40mb) → Buy the book
  22. Investigation into the Cause of Australian Stringhalt (Author: by Charles El-Hage, 42 pages, 887k)
  23. Life at the Zoo: Behind the Scenes with the Animal Doctors (Author: Phillip Robinson, 307 pages, 4.5mb) → Buy the book
  24. Management of Disease in Wild Mammals (Author: Richard Delahay, Graham C. Smith & 1 more, 291 pages, 3.7mb) → Buy the book
  25. Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Author: Gary R. Mullen, Lance A. Durden, 591 pages, 81.5mb) → Buy the book
  26. Medicine And Surgery of Tortoises and Turtles (Author: Stuart McArthur, Roger Wilkinson, Jean Meyer591 pages, 147mb) → Buy the book
  27. Micro-Tomographic Atlas of the Mouse Skeleton 2007th Edition (Author: Itai A. Bab, Carmit Hajbi-Yonissi, Yankel Gabet & 1 more, 196 pages, 16mb) → Buy the book
  28. Orangutans - Geographic Variation in Behavioral Ecology and Conservation (Author: Serge A. Wich, S. Suci Utami Atmoko & 2 more, 441 pages, 8.2mb) → Buy the book
  29. Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds (Editor: Carter T. Atkinson, Nancy J. Thomas, D. Bruce Hunter, 598 pages, 13.6mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  30. Parasitic Diseases of Wild Mammals (Editor: William M. Samuel, Margo J. Pybus, A. Alan Kocan, 570 pages, 6.2mb) → Buy the book
  31. Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds (Editor: Robert E. Schmidt, Jason D. Struthers, David N. Phalen250 pages, 27.3mb) → Buy the book
  32. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities (American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine) (Editor: Jack Hessler, Noel Lehner, 485 pages, 10.9mb) → Buy the book
  33. Practical Wildlife Care (Author: Les Stocker, 364 pages, 8mb) → Buy the book
  34. Radiology of Birds (Author: Sam Silverman, Lisa Tell, 269 pages, 17mb) → Buy the book
  35. Redesigning Animal Agriculture - The Challenge of the 21st Century (Author: David L. Swain, Ed Charmley, John W. Steel & 1 more, 246 pages, 2.5mb) → Buy the book
  36. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds 6A (624 pages, 19.8mb)  Buy the book
  37. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds 6B (543 pages, 10.5mb) → Buy the book
  38. Reptile Medicine and Surgery 2nd Edition (Author: Douglas R. Mader MS DVM, 1258 pages, 775mb) → Buy the book
  39. Taxonomists Glossary of Mosquito Anatomy (Author: Ralph E Harbach, 220 pages, 75.3mb) → Buy the book
  40. The Anatomy of Sea Turtles (Author: Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D180 pages, 24mb) → Download ebook
  41. The Archaeology of Animals (Author: Simon J. M. Davis , 219 pages, 119mb) → Buy the book
  42. The Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Nutrition (Author: Malcolm F Fuller, 620 pages, 5.2mb) → Buy the book
  43. The Practice of Veterinary Anesthesia Small Animals  Birds - Fish and Reptiles (Author: Donald Sawyer, 382 pages, 4.2mb) → Buy the book
  44. Veterinary Extension Education (Author: G R K Sharma, 451 pages, 16mb) → Buy the book
  45. Wildlife Medicine and Rehabilitation: Self-Assessment Color Review (Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Review Series) (Author: Anna Meredith, Emma Keeble, 209 pages, 8.4mb) → Buy the book
  46. Writing for Publication in Veterinary Medicine (Author: Mary Christopher & Karen Young, 28 pages, 6.5mb)
  47. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Vol 6 (539 pages, 85.7mb) → Download ebook
  48. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Vol 7 (662 pages, 55.2mb)
  49. An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology 3rd (Author: Janet Amundson Romich, 529 pages, 41.1mb) → Buy the book
  50. Black's Veterinary Dictionary (Author: Edward Boden, Anthony Andrews, 801 pages, 15.5mb) → Buy the book
  51. Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine (Author: Alex Gough, Kathryn F. Murphy, 526 pages) → Buy the book
Source: Vetshop VN

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