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Các Nghiên Cứu Về Dịch Tễ Học Thú Y

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Causation and Causal Inference in Epidemiology

American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2005, Vol 95
Lý thưyết về nguyên nhân đ Rothnman & Greenland viết. Đây là 2 tác gỉa nổi tiếng với cuốn sách Modern Epidemiol
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Herd-level interpretation of test results

Jette Christensena,, Ian A. Gardner
Bài báo về đánh giá Se và Sp của test ở cấp độ đàn
Herd level interpretation.pdf
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Evaluating the health status of herds based on tests applied to individuals
Bên cạch bài báo trên thì bài báo này khá hay về lý thuyết tính prevalence ở quy mô đàn (herd-prevalence). Bài do S. Wayne Martin, Mohamed Shoukri and Meg A. Thorburn viết
Evaluating the health status of herds.pd
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Survival analysis

Viv Bewick, Liz Cheek1 and Jonathan Ball
Bài viết khác xúc tích và dễ hiểu về phương pháp phân tích sống xót.
Statistics review _Survival analysis.pdf
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Fundamentals of Clinical Research for Radiologists
Bên cạnh đó, đây cũng là 1 bài tương tự dễ hiểu do Harald O. Stolberg, Geoffrey Norman, Isabelle Trop viết
Survival Analysis_principal.pdf
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Sensitivity and specificity

Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic
tests and disease prevalence when the
true disease state is unknown
Estimation of sensitivity and specificit
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An estimate of specificity for a Johne’s
disease absorbed ELISA in northern
Australian cattle
An estimate of specificity for a Johne's
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Pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats and cows using progesterone assay kits
Diagnosis test pregnancy.pdf
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Sensitivity and specificity of pooled faecal culture
and serology as flock-screening tests for detection
of ovine paratuberculosis in Australia
E.S.G. Sergeanta,b,*, R.J. Whittingtonc, S.J. Moreb
Sensitivity and specificity of pooled fa
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Principles and practical application of the
receiver-operating characteristic (ROC)analysis for
diagnostic tests
M. Greinera,*, D. Pfeifferb, R.D. Smithc
Principles and practical application of
Adobe Acrobat Document [193.4 KB]

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