Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care (emergency, nursing...), Epidemiology, Biostatistics... | Vetshop VN

Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care (emergency, nursing...), Epidemiology, Biostatistics...

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Veterinary Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Emergency, Nursing

Downloadable Veterinary Resources: Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Emergency & Nursing

This blog provides downloadable resources for veterinary professionals and students interested in:

  • Veterinary Epidemiology: Learn about disease patterns in animal populations, including outbreak investigations and surveillance methods.
  • Biostatistics: Gain expertise in analyzing and interpreting veterinary data to improve animal health.
  • Veterinary Emergency Medicine: Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills for critical care situations and emergencies.
  • Veterinary Nursing: Access resources to enhance your veterinary nursing skills and patient care knowledge.

Veterinary Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  1. Animal Disease Surveillance and Survey Systems: Methods and Applications (Editor: M. D. Salman, 227 pages, 2.28mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  2. Epidemiological investigations of surveillance strategies for zoonotic Salmonella (Jacqueline Benschop, 259 pages, 5.1mb) → Download ebook
  3. Guidelines Treatment Investing Control Animal Bites (81 pages, 8.94mb)
  4. Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology: A Problem-Oriented Approach 2nd Edition (Editor: Ronald Dee Smith, 292 pages, 14.2mb) → Buy the book
  5. Veterinary Epidemiologic Research (Authors: Ian Dohoo, Wayne Martin, Henrik Stryhn, 727 pages, 25.7mb) → Buy the book
  6. Veterinary Epidemiology 3rd Edition (Author: Michael Thrusfield, 626 pages, 16.2mb) → Buy the book
  7. Veterinary Epidemiology: An Introduction (Author: Pfeiffer (Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology), 62 pages, 1.1mb)
  8. Veterinary Epidemiology (Acquisitions Editor: Liz Fathman, 213 pages, 1.7mb)
  9. Biostatistics The Bare Essentials (Authors: Geoffrey R. Norman, David L. Streiner, 270 pages, 14.6mb) → Buy the book
  10. Data Manipulation with R (folder, 3.3mb)
  11. GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science 1st Edition (Authors: P. A. Durr, A. C. Gatrell, 331 pages, 22.4mb) → Buy the book
  12. Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science (Authors: Aviva Petrie, Paul Watson, 308 pages, 18.7mb) → Buy the book
  13. The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series) (Author: Andrew Knight, Part of: The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series (49 books), 271 pages, 2.4mb) → Buy the book

Veterinary Emergency

  1. Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine: A Color Handbook (Veterinary Color Handbook Series) 2nd Edition (Authors: Elizabeth Rozanski, John Rush, Part of: Veterinary Color Handbook (6 books), 295 pages, 76.9mb) → Buy the book
  2. A First Aid and Disaster Guide for Dog Owner (Author: Sebastian E.; O'Shea, Andrea, 58 pages, 723k) → Buy the book
  3. Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care (Editors: Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon, Harold Davis, 889 pages, 88.6mb) → Buy the book
  4. Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian 3rd edition, (Author: Signe J. Plunkett DVM, 578 pages, 29.4mb) → Buy the book
  5. Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals (Authors: James A. Roth, Anna Rovid Spickler, 310 pages, 80.4mb) → Buy the book
  6. Equine Emergencies (Authors: James A. Orsini B.S. D.V.M. Dipl. ACVS, Thomas J. Divers DVM DACVIM DACVECC, 819 pages, 47.6mb) → Buy the book
  7. Feline Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (Authors: Kenneth J Drobatz, Merilee F Costello, 675 pages, 115mb) → Buy the book
  8. Handbook of Veterinary Ocular Emergencies (Author: David L. Williams, 112 pages, 5mb) → Buy the book
  9. Kirk and Bistner's Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment (Authors: Richard B. Ford DVM MS DACVIM DACVPM, Elisa Mazzaferro MS DVM PhD DACVECC, 817 pages, 78.7mb) → Buy the book
  10. Veterinary Technician's Manual for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care 1nd Edition (Author: Christopher L. Norkus, 583 pages, 11mb) → Buy the book
  11. Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care 1st Edition (Author: Elisa M. Mazzaferro, 900 pages, 32mb) → Buy the book
  12. Veterinary Disaster Response (Authors: Wayne E. Wingfield, Sally B. Palmer, 584 pages, 22mb) → Buy the book
  13. Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Procedures (Authors: Timothy B. Hackett, Elisa M. Mazzaferro, 210 pages, 132mb) → Buy the book
  14. Veterinary Emergency Medicine Secrets (Author: Wayne E. Wingfield MS DVM DAVECC DACVS, Part of: Secrets (61 books), 585 pages, 12mb) → Buy the book

Veterinary Nursing

  1. Anaesthesia for Veterinary Nurses 2nd Edition (Author and Editor: Liz Welsh, 410 pages, 11mb) → Buy the book Download ebook
  2. Calculations for Veterinary Nurses (Authors: Margaret C. Moore, Norman G. Palmer, 166 pages, 975k) → Buy the book
  3. Clinical Procedures in Veterinary Nursing (Author: Victoria Aspinall, 321 pages, 44.1mb) → Buy the book
  4. Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians (Author: Charlotte Donohoe, 124 pages, 24.3mb) → Buy the book
  5. General Pathology for Veterinary Nurses (Author: Harriet Brooks, 257 pages, 7.4mb) → Buy the book
  6. Handbook of Veterinary Nursing (Authors: Hilary Orpet, Perdi Welsh, 386 pages, 2.7mb) → Buy the book
  7. Minor Veterinary Surgery A Handbook for Veterinary Nurses (Author: Julian G. Hoad, 232 pages, 35.3mb) → Buy the book
  8. The Equine Veterinary Nursing Manual (Author: Karen Coumbe, 460 pages, 4.9mb) → Buy the book
Source: Vetshop VN

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